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- Lawrence W. Swan 2000. Tales of the Himalaya: Adventures of a Naturalist. La Crescenta, California: Mountain N Air 232 pp. [PDF]
- R.C.H. Sweeney 1965. The Scurrying Bush. New York: Random House 208 pp. [East Africa] [PDF]
- W.H. Hudson 1892 (1988). The Naturalist in La Plata. New York: Dover 394 pp. [Argentina] [PDF]
- Brent Wilson 2005. Living on an Arc. St Augustine: Publ. by author 310 pp. [Nevis, West Indies] [PDF]
- Tim Flannery 1998. Throwim Way Leg. Melbourne: Text 326 pp. [New Guinea] [PDF]
- Mikhail Prishvin 1951. The Lake and the Woods. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 258 pp. [Russia] [PDF]
- Mary E. Gillham 1966. A Naturalist in New Zealand. London: Museum Press 285 pp. [PDF]
- Percy R. Lowe 1911. A Naturalist on Desert Islands. London: Witherby 230 pp. [West Indies] [PDF]
- Barry P. Moore 1978. Life on Forty Acres. Faringdon: E. Classey 184 pp. [Australia] [PDF]
- John Graham Kerr 1950. A Naturalist in the Gran Chaco. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 234 pp. [Paraguay] [PDF]
- Alexander F. Skutch 1971. A Naturalist in Costa Rica. Gainesville: Univ. Florida Press 378 pp. [PDF]
- Charles J. Cornish 1902. The Naturalist on the Thames. London: Seeley 260 pp. [England] [PDF]
- William Beebe’s Guyana books: [PDF]
- 1918. Jungle Peace. New York: Henry Holt 297 pp.
- 1921. Edge of the Jungle. Garden City, NY: Garden City 303pp.
- 1925. Jungle Days. New York: G.P. Putnam 201pp.
- Robert A. Hedeen 1982. Naturalist on the Nanticoke. Centreville, Maryland: Tidewater 170 pp. [Chesapeake Bay, USA] [PDF]
- George Gaylord Simpson 1934. Attending Marvels: A Patagonian Journal. New York: Macmillan 295 pp. [Argentina] [PDF]
- Archie F. Carr 1994. A Naturalist in Florida. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press 264 pp. [PDF]
- Richard Ffrench 2007. A Naturalist’s Year. Port of Spain: Prospect 173 pp. [Trinidad, West Indies] [PDF]
- John Muir 1915.Travels in Alaska. Boston: Houghton Mifflin 326 pp. [PDF]
- F. Fraser Darling. 1939. A Naturalist on Rona. Oxford: Clarendon 137 pp. [Scotland] [PDF]
- Ernest Henry Wilson 1913. A Naturalist in Western China. Vol. 1. New York: Doubleday 251 pp. [PDF]
- Victor Howells 1957. A Naturalist in Palestine. New York: Philosophical Library 180 pp. [PDF]
- Alfred Alcock 1902. A Naturalist in Indian Seas. London: John Murray 328 pp. [PDF]
- Frank Kingdon Ward 1913.The Land of the Blue Poppy. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 283 pp. [Himalayas] [PDF]
- Jim Conrad 1991. On the Road to Tetlama. New York: Walker 196 pp. [Mexico] [PDF]
- Gary Paul Nabhan1993. Songbirds, Truffles, and Wolves. New York: Penguin 887 pp. [Italy] [PDF]
- Gilbert C. Klingel1940. Inagua. New York: Dodd 385 pp. [Bahamas] [PDF]
- Ken Lamberton2000. Wilderness and Razor Wire: A Naturalist’s Observations from Prison. San Francisco: Mercury House 218 pp. [Arizona, USA] [PDF]
- Gilbert White1789. The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne. London: Benjamin White 468 pp. [England] [PDF]
- Mary Taylor Young2002. Land of Grass and Sky. Englewood, Colorado: Earth Tales 160 pp. [prairie states, USA] [PDF]
- Henry Walter Bates1864. The Naturalist on the River Amazons. 2nd ed. London: John Murray 394 pp. [PDF]
- Alfred Russel Wallace1869. The Malay Archipelago Vol. 1-2. London: Macmillan 638 pp. [PDF]
- Thomas Barbour1945. A Naturalist in Cuba. Boston: Little Brown 317 pp. [PDF]
- Joanna Burger. 1996. A Naturalist Along the Jersey Shore.New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Univ. Press 304 pp. [PDF]
- Thomas Belt 1874. The Naturalist in Nicaragua. London: John Murray 403 pp. [PDF]
- Howard Ensign Evans 1963. Wasp Farm.Garden City, NY: Natural History Press 178 pp. [New York state, USA] [PDF]
- Theodore H. Fleming 2003. A Bat Man in the Tropics.Berkeley: Univ. California Press 311 pp. [Central America] [PDF]
- Adolph Murie 1961.A Naturalist in Alaska.New York: Devin-Adair 302 pp. [PDF]
- C. Brooke Worth 1967.A Naturalist in Trinidad.Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott 297 pp. [PDF]
- Henry David Thoreau 1854. Walden; or, Life in the Woods. Boston: Tickner & Fields 357 pp. [Massachusetts, USA] [PDF]
- Edward Abbey 1968. Desert Solitaire. New York: McGraw-Hill 269 pp.; [Utah, USA]
- Allen M. Young 1991. Sarapiquí Chronicle. Washington: Smithsonian Inst. Press 301 pp. [Costa Rica] [PDF]
- John Alcock on the Sonoran Desert [Arizona, USA][PDF]
- John Alcock 1985. Sonoran Desert Spring. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press 194 pp.;
- John Alcock 1990. Sonoran Desert Summer. Tucson: Univ. Arizona Press 187 pp.;
- John Alcock 2009. When the Rains Come: A Naturalist’s Year in the Sonoran Desert. Tucson: Univ. Arizona Press 334 pp.
- Philip Henry Gosse 1851. A Naturalist’s Sojourn in Jamaica. London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans 508 pp. [PDF]
- Philip Henry Gosse 1853. A Naturalist’s Rambles on the Devonsire Coast. London: J. Van Voorst 451 pp. [PDF]
- Philip Henry Gosse 1865. A Year at the Shore. London: A. Strahan 327 pp. [England] [PDF]
- Raymond B. Cowles 1959. Zulu Journal. Berkeley: Univ. California Press 267 pp. [South Africa] [PDF]
- S. Theodore Baskaran 1999. The Dance of the Sarus. New Delhi: Oxford Unv. Press 240 pp. [India] [PDF]
- Frederick A. Ober 1880. Camps in the Caribbees. Boston: Lee & Shephard 360 pp. [Lesser Antilles] [PDF]
- Eleanor Mathews 2003. Ambassador to the Penguins. Boston: David R. Godine 353 pp. [Sub-Antartic islands] [PDF]
- F.W. Burbidge 1880. The Gardens of the Sun. London: John Murrah 364 pp. [Borneo] [PDF]
- Odoardo Beccari 1904. Wanderings in the Great Forests of Borneo. London: Archibald Constable 424 pp. [PDF]
- Charles Hose 1929. The Field-Book of a Jungle Wallah. London: H.F. & G. Witherby 216 pp.
- Robert W. Shelford 1916. A Naturalist in Borneo. London: T. Fisher Unwin 331 pp. [PDF]
- Chris Ferris 1986. The Darkness is Light Enough: The Field Journal of a Night Naturalist. London: M. Joseph 373 pages. [England]
- Chris Ferris 1988. Out of the Darkness. London: Unwin Hyman 251 pp. [England] [PDF]
- Review of: [PDF]
- Gerald Durrell 1954. The Bafut Beagles. London: Rupert Hart-Davis 231 pp.
- Gerald Durrell 1954. Three Singles to Adventure. London: Rupert Hart-Davis 219 pp.
- Gerald Durrell 1961. The Whispering Land. London: Rupert Hart-Davis 235 pp.
- Théodore Monod & Marc de Gouvenain 1996. Majâbat al-Koubrâ. Paris: Actes Sud 233 pp. [PDF]
- William Bartram 1791. Travels Through North and South Carolina, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, etc. Philadelphia: James & Johnson 520 pp. [PDF]
- Review of: [PDF]
- Steven D. Garber 1987. The Urban Naturalist. New York: Wiley 242 pp.
- Eugene Kinkead 1978. Wildness is All Around Us: Notes of an Urban Naturalist. New York: Dutton 178 pp.
- David Wicinas 1995. Sagebrush and Cappuccino: Confessions of an LA Naturalist. San Francisco: Sierra Club 218 pp.
- Wayne Grady 1995. Toronto the Wild: Field Notes of an Urban Naturalist. Toronto: Macfarlane, Watler & Ross 274 pp.